Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Teacher Gift

My son is moving on to Intermediate School, so I wanted to make something nice for his Dyslexic teacher. We cherish her and all she has done for our little boy these past three years. I hope she feels our heartfelt appreciation...

A Fundraiser

I donated this garden to our church auction on Saturday. It brought $110 for Young Women Camp and the Boy Scouts High Adventure. Happy Dance! The sweet mom that won the bid planned to hide it in their garden for her fairy hunting daughter to find the next morning. I love it!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Miniature Garden Party

I had some friends over last week for a wee garden party. I was very impressed with everyone's gardens. I wish the pictures turned out better, because trust me these gardens look amazing in person!

Tree trimming!
A Game Garden..

The Secret Garden..


Thursday, April 12, 2012